Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Arrivals: Nike Oregon Super and Columbia Tailwhip

I got these relatively recently, and they look similar, so I'll review these guys together. I got the Nike Oregon quite used on eBay and had to send it back to Nike because the band was too broken and I couldn't just buy a new band. It was expensive ($35) to replace the band and for the labor, but I decided to go for it. I got the Columbia watch at Big 5 Sports after seeing an ad for it. I had seen the Columbia watches online and liked them but never in person before buying this one.

Both of these watches are a bit too small, and would be very good watches if they were bigger. I like the big button on the bottom left on the Columbia watch. I wish I had gotten the silver background on the face on the Columbia watch. I like the silver ring around the face of the Nike watch.

I give both of these watches a seven.

Nike Oregon Super watch below:

Columbia Tailwhip watch below:

After finding the Nike Oregon Super a little too small, I remembered seeing the Nike Oregon Compass digital watch, which is similar to its smaller cousin. I'm seeing if I can't snag one of these on eBay:

Nike Oregon Compass digital watch below:

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