Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Arrival: Nike Sledge Watch

UPDATE: thanks to a comment, I stand corrected. The right watch is a "Chisel" watch. Sorry.
You can disregard that earlier blog asking readers why this watch is so expensive. I saw this on eBay with a high, but not too high, list price of $129, and had seen this watch going for much more, so thought what the heck? I'll buy it and if it's not so great, I'll re-sell it and make a few bucks to put towards another watch. I got it and it's very impressive. Big. Big band. Cool, glossy silver finish. It's definitely different from my other all black Sledge watch (which might be called a "Mettle" watch but I can't tell from my internet search). The new one is bigger and has a cool, wraparound silver face. The strap is as big as the face, and there are five holes across the band instead of three on the "Mettle." A great watch, a 9.5out of 10.
Nike Sledge and Nike Chisel Watches below:


  1. hey nice watches so from your post im guessing your not selling them are you?

  2. Hi, John. These are both from the Mettle range - a Sledge and a Chisel, others being Hammer, Anvil, Torque and Blade.

    I like your style. Feel free to have a look at Nike Mettle Watches on Facebook sometime!
