Friday, March 25, 2011

New Arrival: Freestyle Stride

This is a brand new addition from the fine folks at Freestyle. I got this on the Freestyle website and used my $30 credit that I had "earned" by acting as a Freestyle "reviewer" by giving my opinions about possible new watches months ago. I blogged about this back then.
Anyway, this is a solid if not spectacular watch. It's a horizontal rectangle, and as I can tell from their marketing designed for walking/running. There's a big lap button on the bottom right side of the face. The readout is nice and large. I would have liked more substantial buttons on the side and a big heavier band (that felt just a bit flimsy and thin). Still a solid watch from Freestyle, and a good deal at $60 retail. I give it a 8.5 out of 10.

Freestyle Stride below:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A little less anticipation

I got an email last night saying that the seller of the Freestyle Navigator 2.0 watch that I bought on eBay had the watch stolen. He shortly after refunded me through PayPal. Is this some kind of scam? Did he not get as much money as he wanted for it? His record on eBay was clean, so I guess I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Still, one fewer watch I'll get my grubby mitts on. Maybe it's a blessing, because the auction was for the all black one and I really want the one with some silver in the face.
Freestyle Navigator 2.0 in black and silver below:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh, the anticipation

I now have three watches ordered and on their way right now. I got the Nixon Housing on eBay, the Freestyle Stride (new with a credit from the Freestyle website), and the Freestyle Navigator 2.0 on eBay just now. I can't wait for these guys to show up in the mail.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Arrival: Nike Sledge Watch

UPDATE: thanks to a comment, I stand corrected. The right watch is a "Chisel" watch. Sorry.
You can disregard that earlier blog asking readers why this watch is so expensive. I saw this on eBay with a high, but not too high, list price of $129, and had seen this watch going for much more, so thought what the heck? I'll buy it and if it's not so great, I'll re-sell it and make a few bucks to put towards another watch. I got it and it's very impressive. Big. Big band. Cool, glossy silver finish. It's definitely different from my other all black Sledge watch (which might be called a "Mettle" watch but I can't tell from my internet search). The new one is bigger and has a cool, wraparound silver face. The strap is as big as the face, and there are five holes across the band instead of three on the "Mettle." A great watch, a 9.5out of 10.
Nike Sledge and Nike Chisel Watches below:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Watch That Started All This: Freestyle Shark Mako

This was my first black banded, silver faced digital watch. I think it actually had a gray strap at first and it wore out and Freestyle sent me a new black one. Anyway, I've had this for years, and it was my only watch for a while. I got it in Hawaii on one of my many vacations there, and it reminds me of Hawaii and surf shops, where I first saw this watch and bought it. It's relatively small by today's standards, but it has a terrific design and shape. The band is cool, and the silver face just can't be beat. I still wear and love this watch. A big reason why I'm such a Freestyle fan.
Freestyle Shark Mako below:

New Arrivals: Nike Oregon Super and Columbia Tailwhip

I got these relatively recently, and they look similar, so I'll review these guys together. I got the Nike Oregon quite used on eBay and had to send it back to Nike because the band was too broken and I couldn't just buy a new band. It was expensive ($35) to replace the band and for the labor, but I decided to go for it. I got the Columbia watch at Big 5 Sports after seeing an ad for it. I had seen the Columbia watches online and liked them but never in person before buying this one.

Both of these watches are a bit too small, and would be very good watches if they were bigger. I like the big button on the bottom left on the Columbia watch. I wish I had gotten the silver background on the face on the Columbia watch. I like the silver ring around the face of the Nike watch.

I give both of these watches a seven.

Nike Oregon Super watch below:

Columbia Tailwhip watch below:

After finding the Nike Oregon Super a little too small, I remembered seeing the Nike Oregon Compass digital watch, which is similar to its smaller cousin. I'm seeing if I can't snag one of these on eBay:

Nike Oregon Compass digital watch below: