Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New/old Arrival: Oakley D2 watch

Okay, early on I got the D2 in blue, before I really understood the significance of my early watch desires. I was young (you know, 34) and stupid (same guy) and I thought a blue watch would make sense. I was very wrong. Anyway, I have been looking for a black D2 and would then sell my blue one. I did both successfully, and actually made a few bucks. I like Oakley products, and often wear their clothes and always wear their sunglasses, and have three pairs of RX Oakley shades. I had another pair stolen about a decade ago.
In any event, good watch, a little small, funky but cool shape. Similar button layout to the D1. The rubber feels a little weird, but different weird from the D1. Maybe because it's been off the market for about a decade.
Here's the D2 below.

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