Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Freestyle Watches: Speed Dial and Tide 3.0

I got a really good deal through eBay and received in the mail two new Freestyle watches.

I'm very pleased with the Speed Dial watch, a new one for this season from the fine folks at Freestyle. It's bigger than I expected, and the band is glossier than others. From the side, the profile of the watch reminds me of the Freestyle Funbox; not sure if that was planned by the designers. The Funbox was always one of my favorites, so I appreciate this perhaps-borrowed element. The Speed Dial's dial mode operation is fine, not a real big deal for the watch. I like the line on the bottom of the screen, but do wish it had the date on the main time screen without having to hit the button to tell me the date. Overall, a 9 for the Speed Dial.

The Tide 3.0 is a nice, but smaller watch than I had remembered. I have seen it at Macy's when they had carried Freestyle watches before, and I remembered it being bigger. The screen is somewhat small in proportion to the rest of the watch. But it's still a solid watch. I got a little confused when I got into the actual tide lists, which I will not use. Good watch though. A 7 out of 10.

Freestyle Speed Dial below:

Freestyle Tide 3.0 below:

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